Track Care at the request of the Paruku Rangers are installing a Sago dry toilet to replace the long disused unit at Lake Stretch, a popular camp spot at the top end of the CSR about 170km south of Halls Creek. This is a jointly funded project between Track Care and the Paruku Rangers and will run from August 22 for approx 5 weeks. I believe about 4 rangers will be there to participate in this project. It’s intended, once the construction is complete, to continue down the length of the CSR doing maintenance along the way. This project is for Track Care members only.
This project is remote and will require a good level of personal fitness and vehicles in top condition. You should get your car serviced at least 4 weeks in advance, have at least 50% tread on AT/MT tyres (no passenger tyres will be allowed) and get fixed any of those niggly electrical gremlins you’ve been going to get to for the last year! They will go pear shaped on the track. You will need to lower your tyre pressures to 1/2 of your normal road pressure for the entire length of the track. You will need to medically/physically as well fit as help, if needed, is a long way away.
Fuel and food is available at Halls Creek, Kunawaritji (Well 33), Parnngurr (Cotton Creek) and Wiluna. No camper trailers allowed. You’ll need at least 40L of drinking water per person. There will be a pre trip meeting to discuss this in great detail.
We will be taking two trailers, one of which I will tow, so I’ll need a volunteer for the other. It’s highly desirable the car will have a front mounted winch and long extension strap. A Towing Subsidy is available and details are here . Trailers may need assistance over sand dunes, so you should be familiar with recovery and towing techniques. Some track repair may be needed so bring your shovel. The procedure to be used will be explained in the planning meeting at a later date. If one or more wish to return home after the toilet install, it would be great if you could take a trailer with you as one will be empty.
Some prefabrication work needs to be done sometime May/June in Perth, so a few volunteers for that would be good. Cutting metal and welding skills would be handy. Equipment supplied.
The complete job description can be downloaded here
For futher information:
Project Leader: Rod Durston, csrprojects@trackcare.com.au 0427 118 081
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