We are targeting to get two very useful sections of Southern Wandoo National Park access roads (approx. 6km each) opened up for Fire Trucks to get through (and everybody else, “scratch-free”). This done, we will have Completed Phase 1 of our Wandoo TOT Clean-Up Project. The rest of this year, we will be clearing remnants left over from our First Pass.
Please Volunteer for this one a.s.a.p. We ideally need a big Gang (20+ vehicles) to get these road sections cleared in a single day, without over-exerting ourselves. We will be caterpillaring our way along: stop at a tight point; get out and clear ahead for 50-100 metres; return to vehicles and bring them forward, etc. etc.
The work is principally that of clipping, pruning, weeding new “parrot bush” growth and raking the roads clean. It is important to remove any Parrot Bush branches that are overhanging the roads – they drop lots of seeds as their propagation strategy; they take 5 years to mature, so weeding is a line of attack to halt their encroachment into the road space – and it’s very easy work in the gravelly soils they like to colonise.
Amongst the most useful equipment to bring are: secateurs, loppers, weeding/gardening gloves, sturdy rakes/hoes, cordless reciprocating saws and pruning saws. (If considering buying cordless equipment, please note that the Club has standardised on the Makita range and has a significant Battery Charging capability, especially for Remote projects.)
For those of you who are going on the Wandoo Night Drive on Mar 15, there will be camping organised for that and you can join the working party the next day.
At the end of the day’s work, we will rendezvous at a nearby group of granite outcrops for a chat and exploration of the rocks, and learn about the diversity of habitats they create for plants to take advantage of.
Additional, and more detailed information will be provided to registered volunteers via email and SMS as the days go by. At any time, you may contact me if you have any questions.
WHERE: START B1 (cnr Catchment Road/Qualen Road, Flynn, -32.0913135,116.5879831) Google Maps Link
WHEN: Sun Mar 16 @ 9am (at the start point)
EVENT TYPE: TCWA & 4WD Club colleagues
CONTACT: David Cowley on 0407196770
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