These trips are to continue the clean-ups we have been doing, with full DBCA support, in the Wandoo National Park, which is between Gt Southern and Brookton highways and about 70km from Perth.
We will be driving many of the tracks in the Wandoo NP and stopping frequently. We will be clearing fallen branches and any trees, which we can do easily with the equipment we have. In some sections we will be clearing ‘scratchy’ bushes from narrow sections of the track to allow easy access for all. We will also be picking up any rubbish we see and we have way-pointed about a dozen collection sites that have things like bricks or metal. We will have ‘Containers for Change’ bags for bottles and cans, and the funds raised will go into the Track Care account. Depending upon the availability of a car trailer and lifting equipment will may be able to remove some of the car bodies that are in the park and we will take the bodies to Scrap Metal dealers and all funds will go to Track Care WA
Please note that Track Care has volunteer worker insurance as does DBCA that covers the people doing the volunteering but not the vehicles, tools or equipment. So look after our equipment and your own as it is the owner’s responsibility. As we are working with DBCA it will be necessary to record our hours and complete the DBCA volunteer forms. Track Care would like to record the hours in total for our future reporting and public communications.
We will be taking photos and videos during the project so please let us know if you do NOT want your image used in our promotions. You will need to be totally self-sufficient and leave nothing but footprints!
Bring: CB radio, chair, food and water.
PPE such as safety glasses, gloves, steel cap boots, sun protection. If you have an electric chainsaw or reciprocating saw please bring them as they are perfect for cutting up the small branches. Other cutting equipment suitable for trimming scratchy bushes from the edges of the tracks would be useful.
Trip Leader: David Peck, 0402 177 886, dpeck@ozemail.com.au
Departure Location: BP Service Station at the Lakes (corner Great Eastern & Great Southern Highways) about 1 hour from Perth
Departure Time: 8:45 for a 9:00am start
Rating: Easy
Pets Allowed? No as it is a National Park
Bookings are closed for this event.