Wandoo Night Drive Rescheduled– Saturday 9th March 2024
We will be following part of the Western 4WDer Magazine 4WD Days out of Perth trip #1 which follows a series of forestry tracks from “the Lakes” past Mt Observation before circling the edge of the water catchment area through undulating Wandoo forest.
Some good info on the area is on their website at https://western4wdriver.com.au/next-adventures/wandoo-north/
This will be an easy trip and suitable for all and we expect to be back at Sawyers Valley about 9:30pm. This trip is also being offered to Subaru 4WD Club members and it is a good chance to socialise.
The plan is to meet late afternoon and do some of the trip before stopping at Mount Observation for a picnic dinner. There are toilets and picnic tables available there. If it is not a Total Fire Ban you should be able to use your own gas stoves to cook or reheat your dinner, otherwise bring a picnic dinner. After dinner we will continue along the forestry tracks through the lovely Wandoo forest. There are options if people want to leave earlier with a couple of roads heading back to the Great Southern Highway.
Sorry but no dogs (or other pets) are allowed in this park
Meeting Details
Where: Sawyers Valley Puma petrol station, 96 Great Eastern Hwy, Sawyers Valley WA
When: Saturday 9th March at 5:00pm
Bring: Radio, Full tank of fuel, food & drink.
Contact: David Peck on 0402 177 886
This event is fully booked.