What is Karara Rangeland Park?
Karara Rangeland Park refers to the group of six former pastoral leases east of Perenjori – Warriedar, Burnerbinmah, Thundelarra, Lochada, Karara and Kadji Kadji – that were purchased through State and Federal funding for conservation. Covering an area of 560,000 hectares, the park is Unallocated Crown Land managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) for conservation, heritage protection and recreation. Initially the department focused on controlling feral animals, wild dogs and weeds but works to prepare and promote the park for recreation and tourism are now underway.
Opportunities for future recreation and tourism
Only three hours’ drive from Perth, Karara Rangeland Park offers a true outback experience and a range of nature-based activities. The Department is currently planning and developing visitor services and facilities. The intent is to create more recreation
opportunities for caravaners, campers and day visitors, to entice travellers to spend time in the Murchison and ultimately stimulate the local tourism economy.
Assistance from Track Care WA volunteers.
The creation of safe destinations is an important element of nature-based recreation and we are proud to assist this process while ensuring as much of our cultural heritage as possible is preserved. Our volunteers salvaged wooden fence posts and fencing wire which we re-purposed to build authentic physical barriers around the Damperwah ruins. At the same time, other members of our team undertook a rubbish cleanup of the surrounding area for collection and disposal by DBCA.