A few years ago, Track Care WA was asked by the Wiluna Shire about the signs at the information shelter near town as they had blistered and become unreadable. This lead to a broader discussion about the information contained and that they should be updated with a more contemporary design.

There are 3 information shelters like this at Wiluna, Newman and Halls Creek and all are in a bit of a sad state, so it was decided that a new set needed to be installed at each site and with the financial help from Hema Maps we could make a start.

For these signs we wanted to gain a variety of stories about the CSR, so we approached Kuju Wangka (the consortium of the 5 native title holder groups that have rights over the CSR) to get their input. Bill Cruze, Anthropologist, wrote a very informative piece describing the connection to country all these groups have and still practice today. An alternative view of Canning was also put. Artist from the different regions have provided us with a local graphical perspective as well and their stories can be read from the websites noted on the signs.

The story of Canning’s team and the drovers that followed was provided by Track Care member Phil Bianchi. He also, amongst other things, is the admin of the CSR Facebook page.

Hema provided their map for reference and the latest advise on travel preparation make up the set of 4 signs at each site. Unfortunately due to the weather conditions up north, the signs for Newman and Halls Creek sites will need to be done next year.

Click on each image to download your copy, Safe travels