The is the first of an intended series of Code off Road brochures, designed to encourage safe and responsible driving in the many and wonderfully varied wonderful environments that make up Australia.
These brochures have a been produced by Track Care WA in partnership with other organisations, such as the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Parks and Wildlife Services, Western 4WDriver Magazine, and South Coast Natural Resource Management.
Click to have a look at the entire brochure. It’s worth the read!
The Narloo Rangeland Adventure pamphlet is part of the Code Off Road series and narrows down the focus to a particular area. We work with local authorities, DBCA etc to create a brochure that sets outs the detailed information of that location.
Distribution of the brochure is then done through local authority tourist centres, DBCA offices, download from the Track Care website and site visits. We often arrange for volunteers to visit a location on a long weekend to hand out pamphlets to visitors and also conduct surveys to gather more information about what the 4WDriving public need. It’s a great way tell everyone about what Track Care does too!