Shelly Beach

Brief Overview: 

Track Care has been asked if we are interested in performing coastal track and dune blowout rehabilitation at several locations around Coral Bay.  The project is being coordinated by Scott Thomson in Exmouth District for Parks and Wildlife Service, DBCA.  A few dot points from Scott in summary – 

  • track rehabilitation at Five Fingers, Turtle cliffs, and Yalabaya. Most of these issues have been caused by vehicles so very relevant to Trackcare –  volunteers could assist with this work.  
  • could most likely provide camp sites for duration of project (depending on number of volunteers).  
  • We could work on a working week Mon-Fri (5 days) with vols working part days so they still have R&R time. 

Location: Coral Bay 

Timing: August and September outside of school holiday periods/ Easter.  

Registration of Interest: