In May 2021, the City of Mandurah hosted a Beach Access Management Planning (BAMP) workshop as part of its partnership with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) to enhance conservation outcomes and to promote sustainable visitation in and adjacent to Yalgorup National Park.
Track care attended the initial meeting in May 2021 along with several other 4WD Community groups. Track care is representing the 4WD Community at the second Workshop to be held this Thursday. Due to the broad experience that Track Care has within the 4WD Community, working in collaboration with 4WD Clubs, Conservation Council of WA, DBCA and other Land Manager groups, we are looking forward to working with the other stakeholders to build a well sounded Access Management Plan that benefits all.
Keep an eye on the Track Care Facebook page as the Track Care Chair posts progress throughout the meeting and afterwards when discussing the outcomes with other interested parties.